Mac torrent app uninstaller
Mac torrent app uninstaller

mac torrent app uninstaller

To completely uninstall a program on Mac, you have to choose one of four options: These include the app, its preferences and support files, and sometimes other hidden files. If you are trying to delete an old application, reinstall corrupted software, or just free up disk space on your Mac, removing all components of the program is important. We’re going to show you what gets left behind and what you can do to completely uninstall apps from here on out. That’s why deleting such apps is a bit harder. An app is stored in more than one place.įor example, Steam games are stored in a custom folder.But doing the same for apps leaves tons of leftover junk files on your hard drive: Dragging normal files like documents and movies to the Trash works fine.

mac torrent app uninstaller

The logic tells us we should simply drag an unwanted app to Trash. Quick question - how do you uninstall programs on Mac? But to help you do it all by yourself, we’ve gathered our best ideas and solutions below.įeatures described in this article refer to the MacPaw site version of CleanMyMac X. So here’s a tip for you: Download CleanMyMac to quickly solve some of the issues mentioned in this article.

Mac torrent app uninstaller